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L-O Forever

Residents of the LeRoy-Ostrander school district are acutely aware of the importance of our school not only to the education of students, but also to the vitality of our community.  We are also constantly reminded of the financial constraints facing the school district due mainly to declining enrollment and inadequate state funding.  A core group of concerned citizens have formed *L-O Schools Forever* with a common goal of keeping our school educationally great and financially sound.  

More Ways to Help:

If you are interested in making a donation, purchasing tickets, or volunteering, please contact the committee at . Donations can be delivered to the L-O School Office, LeRoy City Clerk's Office or can be picked up by contacting the committee.

Amazon Smile is a simple way for you to support L-O Schools Forever all year. Every time you shop, at no cost. When you shop at, Amazaon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to L-O Schools Forever.

Alter Metal Recycling - Riceville is teaming up with L-O Schools Forever. If you are interested, bring your unwanted scrap steel, copper & cans to their location anytime this year. Alter is matching donations made through April 2020.