Ms. Katie Bakke

Hello! My name is Ms. Bakke. I am excited to be teaching 2nd grade and I am especially excited to work with all the great staff, students, and families at LeRoy Ostrander School.

Name: Kathryn Bakke, Katie, Ms. Bakke, Ms. B

  (pronounced BAH-KEY)

Education: Winona State University, BA English

              The College of St. Scholastica, Teaching License 

(and working towards an Education masters)

Experience: Special Education Paraprofessional, Northfield Schools, 3 years

    Substitute Teacher, New Prague Schools, 1.5 years
  2nd Grade Teacher, Cannon River STEM School, 5 years

Family: I am from Northfield, MN, where my parents and two of my brothers still live. I have a third brother who lives in Rochester with his growing family. I am engaged and we have two dogs.


Hobbies: I love to read! Historical fiction and fantasy are my favorite genres. I like to be outside anytime of the year; on the lake in the summer or taking my dogs for winter walks. I like playing all kinds of games--board games, video games, card games, yard games...etc. I am pretty competitive and I like a challenge! I also really enjoy wood turning and anything crafty.

Ms. Katie Bakke