
I use a mostly “standards-based” grading system. Students will have multiple opportunities to show that they understand a concept. My goal is for all students to eventually show a deep understanding of all pertinent grade learning goals.

  • A+ (4) = Student shows complex, sophisticated understanding of concept, and can apply it to new situations
  • A-B (3) = Student shows clear understanding of concept
  • C-D (2) = Student shows a partial understanding of concept
  • D-F (1) = Student is struggling to show understanding of concept


I occasionally offer extra credit throughout the quarter. It will be up to each individual to decide whether or not to take advantage of those opportunities. Students will be offered multiple assessment opportunities to practice, to learn, and to demonstrate understanding.


Late Work: It is important that students learn the habit of meeting deadlines. I ask that all students do their best to get work handed in on time, but I will accept work through mid and end of each quarter. 10% will be deducted from score for each day late.